
Scenario-generation codes

There are three scenario-generating codes available from my web-page, sorted from the oldest to the newest:
  1. The original moment-matching code.
  2. A variant of the above, using cumulative distribution functions instead of moments.
  3. The new copula-based code.
So which one should you choose? Unless you need exact correlations, I would recommend the copula-based one. And even then, I would start with the copula-based code and only used one of the above as a post-process, to fix the correlations.
If you find a missing feature, such as a new copula type or distribution, just let me know and I can either add it myself, or at least help you with adding it.


All the codes are licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.


- The license allows including an unchanged version code into any program, without affecting its license.
- If you distribute a program that includes a modified version of this code, you must make the modified version available under the MPL 2.0.
- The license is GPL-compatible.

For more information, see official FAQ or the Wikipedia article about the license.

Download links

Copula-based code
The code now available at GitHub.
The cdf-based code
The code is not being maintained, but there is an old Windows (64-bit) binary for download.
The moment-matching code
The code is now availabe at GitHub.